How can we make Electric Cars Better?

Will we be driving dodgem cars on the road in future?


Electric cars – There has been a lot of talk about electric cars of late, mainly about battery electric cars and the emerging powerhouse Hydrogen FCEV

Battery electric cars consume enormous amounts of minerals for the quantity of batteries required to store electricity within the car to provide range.

Hydrogen FCEV cars are better but there are a few issues with the volatility of hydrogen. Not insurmountable though

lithium mine china


However what if there was an alternative, a way we can utilise the zero local emission benefit of an electric car without the massive environmental damage needed to extract minerals.

trolley bus vancouver

Think trolley cars like in Vancouver where the buses have an overhead connection. Or revert to your childhood with dodgem cars. Now I’m not advocating we drive dodgem cars on the road. Despite the fact that some drivers seem to think we are currently.

Electric dodgem cars

No what I am thinking about is a constant supply of electricity directly to the vehicle from a connected source.

Stellantis, the amalgamated global brand conglomerate, has trialled a loop in Italy. Electricity is supplied continuously to the vehicle through wireless EV cells embedded in the road.

wireless EV Cells in road

This could provide endless range, change the construction paradigm of battery electric vehicles and exhibit zero localised driving emissions.

The system works they say, but the next issue is the economics and practical implementation.

Like all things around EVs there is much more to explore and Time will tell

This is a Motoring Minute

Im Rob Fraser

Motoring Minute is heard around Australia every day on over 50 radio channels through the Torque Radio network

Our Motoring Minute has an average daily audience of over 550,000 listeners and they are also syndicated through various news sites around Australia.

Additionally Motoring Minute is also broadcast as part of Overdrive Radio Program, which is broadcast through the Community Radio Network across Australia.